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Fosroc Nitoproof 30

Multi-purpose, rubberised, bitumen emulsion

Fosroc Nitoproof 30


 Nitoproof 30 is a rubber reinforced, bitumen emulsion. It is
supplied as a single component liquid, dark brown in colour,
which dries to form a black, flexible coating.
Nitoproof 30 is available in drums and may be applied directly
to the substrate by brush or squeegee.



Provides a highly effective waterproof membrane, with cost
and labour saving supplementary benefits. It can be used in
a wide range of applications :
– Damp proof membrane in ‘sandwich construction’.
– Dual purpose waterproofer and curing compound.
– General purpose waterproofer for walls and floors.
– Highly effective vapour seal.
– Effective as an adhesive/bonding agent for cork panels,
insulation boards, expanded polystyrene etc.

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