Nitoflor Hardtop
Monolithic surface hardening compound for fresh
concrete floors
Nitoflor Hardtop
Nitoflor Hardtop surface hardening compound is a quality
controlled, factory blended powder which is ready to use on
site. It consists of special hard wearing emery aggregates
selected for their physical properties of abrasion and wear
resistance, Portland cement and special additives to improve
This combination produces a material which is easy to trowel
in the surface of fresh, wet concrete. Nitoflor Hardtop cures
monolithically to provide a dense, non porous surface which
is extremely hard wearing and abrasion resistant. Monolithic
cure ensures that problems normally associated with thin
(‘granolithic’) screeds, e.g. curling, shrinkage, cracking, etc.
are completely overcome.
25 KG
Nitoflor Hardtop provides a highly abrasion resistant surface
to fresh concrete floors by the dry shake method which
ensures that the hard wearing surface bonds monolithically
to the base concrete. It is ideally suited for all industrial areas
subjected to heavy traffic such as:
– Power stations
– Heavy industry
– Agricultural building
– Distillation plants
– Laboratories
– Car parks
– Abattoirs
– Warehouse floors and loading bays
– Work shops