MasterSeal 501
Surface applied capillary waterproofing system for concrete and block work.
MasterSeal 501
The MasterSeal 501 waterproofing system ensures a total and permanent solution to water leakage, ingress, or seepage in concrete structures or any cementitious substrate.
The formation and development of insoluble crystals into water bearing capillaries and interstices effectively blocks the further passage of water.
25 KG
MasterSeal 501 can be used for water tanks, water towers, reservoirs, dams, canals, harbours, concrete pipes… In summary, to help the retention of water in storage, treatment and transportation units.
MasterSeal 501 can also be used as a waterproofing element in basements, tunnels, inspection pits, foundations, retaining walls, lift shafts, construction joints, sea defence walls, bridge decks, jetties and pontoons.